Παρασκευή 8 Απριλίου 2011

The Best NFL Cheerleader Squads

No. 10: Atlanta Falcons
Atlanta has its pick of the best women in the Southeast, and they never disappoint. Excuse me...wow.
No. 9: Houston Texans
Staying in that Southern girl vein, Houston has quickly taken its place among my top ten. Texan cheerleaders never met a half top they didn't like, and that's just fine by me.
No. 8: New England Patriots
Charger fans have no love for the Patriots, but I learned long ago, when it comes to beautiful women, New England can compete with anyone.
Patriots cheerleaders represent the best of the northeastern part of the good old USA
No. 7: Denver Broncos

The Broncos are public enemy No. 2 here in San Diego, but I am willing to make an exception here.

There must be something in the water in the Rockies to consistently provide so many beautiful women.

We almost feel bad for what we are going to do to make these girls sad when the Chargers visit Denver in a few weeks. Almost..
No. 6: Miami Dolphins
DNA should always turn out like it does in Miami.
Dolphin fans get the pleasure of watching these great women strut their stuff year after year. I put the women of Miami against any chicks in the entire galaxy
No. 5: Minnesota Vikings
She almost makes me want to move to the frozen plains of Minnesota.
Vikings cheerleaders have to get through some of the league's toughest weather in order to perform at games. I can't see how it's hurting them
No. 4: Carolina Panthers
Carolina girls wasted no time in becoming some of my favorites. The Panthers squad is catnip for every red-blooded football fan
No. 3: Kansas City Chiefs

K.C., Chargers fans have no problem with you or your beautiful cheerleaders.

Kansas City is too cold for me, but these girls make it seem a little warmer
No. 2: San Diego Chargers

I sit in what are considered obstructed view seats, down by the field level rail at the Q. This is the obstruction. I occasionally forget to watch the game...

The Charger Girls have opposing players tripping over their own feet when a play hits the right spot on the sidelines at the Q.
The Halloween costume contest is always a winner .

Go Charger Girls!

No. 1: Dallas Cowboys
The best of the best.Dallas cheerleaders showed every girl in the USA how it's done back in the '70s, and I see no slow down here.The Cowboys cheerleaders visited San Diego once, long ago in a preseason game, and I was ready to propose to a couple of them right then and there.I doubt that any of them would have gone for it, but a man can dream...I nominate every cheerleader squad not on this list for honorable mention, as there is no such thing as a bad NFL cheerleader.

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