Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2011

Skin care - mask

Some recipes of masks

A beauty mask is not an invention of modern cosmetics. A lot of thousand years ago Egyptian and Greek women used various masks to keep skin young and fresh. Romans also knew this cosmetic means perfectly in ancient times.
Mask action: it causes strengthened rush of blood to skin tissues, after what they become elastic, muscles are toned, pores start secreting products of skin glands strenuously, skin becomes fresh and young.
Masks are divided on three kinds – nutritious, smoothing and strengthening. The mirror will be the best authority at definition of kind of mask for you (if you have not learnt about it from cosmetologist).
It is not necessary to do strengthening masks very often. However, they provide result for several hours, then skin becomes even more languid.
The best effect can be reached, if you apply mask in the evening, before a dream. Certainly, it is impossible to leave it on face for all night long, wash it off carefully after some time. If you make it accurately and duly, its action proceeds within 2-3 days.

Before applying a mask, clear skin of dust and sweat carefully, better by means of steam bath or compresses from hot and cold water alternately. Having put a mask on face, lay down and try to weaken body. It is necessary even in case when you have little time. Mask will render no effect, if, having put it, you will be engaged in household duties.
In general, it is recommended to change structure of masks from time to time. Here are some recipes which can appear useful to you.
Hollywood mask. Take 2 table spoons oaten or corn flour, mix with one egg white, whip to form foam. Smear face with received paste for 15-20 minutes. Wash dried up mask with humidified wadded tampon, rinse face at first with hot, then cold water. This mask clears and strengthens skin, gives dullness to fat skin.
Potato mask. Boil a big potato in jacket, peel it, knead, having added some fresh milk, mix with a yolk of one egg. Warm up mashed potatoes again, having put a vessel with received paste in a pan with hot water. Smear face with hot mix. Mask action amplifies if you cover face with a dense fabric. In 20 minutes wash off mask with hot water, and then cold. This mask freshens, feeds and smoothes wrinkled skin, and makes dry skin gentle and elastic.
Old Spanish mask. Presoak string bean grains (1 cup) in water for several hours, then boil small quantity in water until they become soft. Mince boiled string bean and mix hot paste with juice, squeezed out of half lemon, and a table spoon olive oil. This mask has nutritious and smoothing effect. It is recommended only for gentle and dry skin.
Honey mask. Mix 2 table spoons honey with 2 spoons flour and one egg white, put paste on face by means of a flat brush. Leave until it dries out (for 20-30 minutes), after that wash off at first with hot, then cold water. This mask has nutritious and exciting effect.
Swedish cottage cheese mask. Pound 3 tea spoons fresh cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, make a cream and smear face. Cover places around eyes and mouth especially diligently. In 20 minutes wash off a mask carefully using a cotton wool tampon, moistened in cold milk. Cottage cheese mask provides freshening effect, feeds and clears skin. You can apply it rather often.
The secret of fine skin consists in regular care and corresponding selection of applied means. Just like a stomach arranges revolt, when you overfeed or starve it, so sometimes skin does not wish to accept what you give to it, or revenges for undereating.

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